Wednesday, February 2, 2011

OMEZONE: Mosquito Patch


The only safe and natural protection against bugs, gnats, flies, mosquitoes that prevents all kind of insects.

There are no chemicals, pesticides or insecticides, the patch contains 75 mg of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) a natural vitamin that works with the bodies own chemistry to create an invisible barrier that shields from biting insects.

Thiamine is very hard to obtain through a balanced diet because the cooking process destroys most of the vitamin. The body typically needs less than 2 mg of Thiamine per day for a healthy diet. Our bodies generally absorb between 50 mg and 70 mg of Vitamin B1, the excess is displaced through our sweat glands.

Research has shown that bugs, mosquitoes, gnats, flies do not like the smell of Vitamin B1 excreted through our sweat glands. The Insect Repellent Patch is ideal for holidays & all outdoor activities. 100% natural & safe to use on children over the age of 1 year old.

  • Insect Repellent:

Studies show that taking large doses of thiamine is effective in reducing mosquitoes bites. This vitamin, produces an odor that is undetectable by humans, but it is unpleasant to insects. We do not perceive the smell but the insects themselves.

This is especially effective for people allergic to sting, this protection is 100% effective. The Mosquitoes Patch is a safe alternative for using oil or harsh chemicals, most sprays & creams contain "deets"

Vitamin B1 properties are also good for the nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart and alcohol-damaged nervous tissues. The recommended daily amount of Vitamin B1 is 1.4 mg a day. There are no poisoning dangers with Vitamin B1 as the vitamin dissolves in water and is excreted in urine and sweat.

Mosquito Patch is the most advanced and safe mosquito repellent in the world which is DEET free and suitable for family use. The "PATCH" may even make you feel healthier providing extra energy due to the optimal amount of Thiamine in the body

  • How to use:

Thiamine used orally takes about 2 weeks before the smell saturates the skin. Our Mosquito Patch "OmeZone Mosquito Patch" works in a period of 2 hours after application and lasts for 36 hours.

Applied to clean, dry smooth skin creates a shield against bites and disease from the mosquito, midges, & other nuisance flying insects.

  • Presentation:


20 patches per order minimum

(1 month supply) plus shipping (US only)

$1.00 per patch X 20 = $20.00

We can please you with any quantity. The patches are sealed and waterproof

For bulk orders (50,000 minimum) please contact me for price.



OMEZONE. International Corp. USA

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


La única manera segura y natural de protección contra mosquitos, mosquitillas, mosquitas, moscas y zancudos.

No hay químicos, pesticidas o insecticidas en el parche, contiene 75 mg de Vitamina B1(Thiamin). Nuestros cuerpos generalmente absorben entre 50 mg y 70 mg de Vitamina B1, el exceso es desplazado a través de nuestras glándulas sudoríparas.

Las investigaciones han demostrado que los mosquitos, mosquitillas, mosquitas, moscas y zancudos no les gusta el olor de la Vitamina B1 excretada a través de nuestras glándulas sudoríparas.

  • Repelente de Insectos:
Los estudios demuestran que tomar largas dosis de Thiamina es efectivo en la reducción de las picaduras de mosquitos. Esta vitamina, produce un olor que no es detectable por los humanos, pero es desagradable para los insectos. Nosotros no percibimos el olor, pero los insectos sí.

Esto es especialmente efectivo para las personas alérgicas e hipersentitivas a las picaduras, mientras usan ésta protección que es 100 % efectiva. El parche Anti Mosquito "Mosquito Patch" es una alternativa segura en lugar de usar aceites que ensucian o dispersadores con químicos fuertes.

  • Facilidad de empleo:

La Thiamina usada oralmente toma alrededor de 2 semanas antes de que su olor sature la piel. Nuestro Parche anti Mosquitos de OmeZone "Mosquito Patch" trabaja en un período de entre 2 horas después de su aplicación y dura 36 horas.


Paquete x 2 parches

Paquete x 5 parches

Paquete x 20 parches (military)

Podemos complacer al cliente. Los parches vienen sellados y a prueba de agua (waterproof)

Click en la imagen para más info

  • Oportunidad Empresarial:

Soy Gerente exclusivo de omeZone para Latinoamérica y el mercado hispano en USA y busco empresarios que me ayuden a expander el producto en otros países siendo distribuidores. Si estás interesado déjame un mensaje y me comunicaré contigo a la brevedad posible, gracias.

Para contactarnos llena este formulario Aquí

  • La Compañia:

  • Fotos de nuestros clientes alrededor del mundo

Fabricado por: OMEZONE. International Corp. USA